Saturday, December 29, 2007

Heal Yourself With Color Green

The Color Green

Have you ever noticed that the two prevalent colors on the planet Earth (before cities and blacktop roads) are the colors of Nature, Green and Blue.

Green Forests and Blue sky is the color of the oceans. The color Green is also one of the more powerful and useful healing colors known to man.

When you go into the woods or to the seashore it is the colors that heal you, as well as the other vibrations.

Attributes of the Color Green

Green is a cerebral equilibrator.

Green is a physical equilibrator.

Green stimulates the rebuilding of muscles and tissues.

Green stimulates the rebuilding of muscles and tissues.

Green destroys micro-organisms, germs and bacteria.

Green cleanses and prevents decay (germicide, bactericide, disinfectant and antiseptic.)

In Dinshah's book "Let There Be Light" (Dinshah Health Society, PO Box 707, Malaga NJ 08328) He has a list of 400 Spectro-Chrome diagnosed disorders, with their color schedules.

When you study that chapter you may be given the impression that there is a color schedule for almost all ailments.

This is correct, because no matter what the problem is, there is a Spetro-Chrome color (colors) which will be effective. A person must have the necessary vitality and if irreversible damage is not present (it is not too late!)

The human body is designed wonderfully. Sometimes color can at least ameliorate some disorders which have been designed as incurable by other healing methods. Spectro-chrome can do something in most cases.

In cases of paralysis, caused by nerve dysfunction, favorable results only can be attained by their repair or by utilization of other nerves to the affected area.

There are dis-orders that take years to manifest. The rule of thumb is for each year of developmental time, takes one month of tonations. Recovery depends on the persons vitality and to what extent the disorder progressed.

Even with what is called "hopeless" or "incurable" cases, everyone is encouraged to keep a cautious optimistic view.

Where there is life and Spetro-Chrome therapy, there is hope.

The Dinshah Health Society publishes an ongoing series of newsletters, from two to four per year. They may contain an announcement, a color schedule may be added. Sometimes a comment on medical or scientific developments, or on Spectro-Chrome techniques may be included.

Example of an article in a news letter.

Boron has not been generally recognized as an essential element in human nutrition. This is a dangerous assumption. It is essential! It reduces the excretion of minerals necessary to keep our bones strong (calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.) The process lessens the likelihood of developing osteoporosis. Boron is found in dark leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts and some fruit. Vegetarians should take note.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Healing Meditations + Quantum Physics

Practical Healing Meditations

A meditation should have a practical goal. To sit in Central Park and cross your legs and rams and empty your mind is not only useless, but dangerous as well.

When you leave the protective portcullis of your mind down and unprotected, who knows who or what will storm into your sacred castle.

Meditation should be practiced with a purpose in mind. And you should be aware of the process involved.

The Age of Aquarius has brought us the marvelous Laws of Quantum Physics. These Laws tell us that there exists an infinite Ocean of energy called the Quantum Ocean. This energy is an intelligent Substance that responds to the thoughts of man. Thoughts are things because every thought will manifest out of the infinite ocean of intelligent energy exactly what the thought is.

Within this infinite ocean everything that ever was, is or will be exists. There is no time. You may wish to call this Quantum Ocean, the mind of God. For that is what it is.

When you think you are talking into the mind of God, you will get what you think about.

Meditation should be a mental excesses where you reach inward (in you mind) for something tangible.

Know at all times what you are doing. Stay safe. Especially in an end time such as we are living in now.

There are many things you can meditate upon. If you are in bad health, you can meditate upon a healing methodology that will improve your health.

You must never meditate on your bad health for you will just increase it.

You can meditate upon a specific color. Colors heal and each of the seven colors will heal a different set of symptoms, or a different part of the body. How does color heal? Color is energy, a set of vibrations. Each color has a one to one relationship to one of your organs or some part of your physiology.

You are not really solid, but an energy being. A disease or an illness is an inharmonious vibration or dis-functioning of energy flow to some part of your physiology or energy body.

When you meditate upon a certain color you actually touch that color which exists as an energy vibration in the Quantum Ocean, mind of God.

Your mind during your meditation, makes contact with the color energy and causes it to flow into your energy field body, called your Aura.

What ever energy you attract into your Aura, can by meditation, be sent to the ailing organ. This energy through the Laws of Similars will correct the Dis-eased vibrations of that particular organ and will start it vibrating correctly. This will heal it. If every organ and part of your physiological body vibrated in accordance with the divine blueprint of health, you will be perfectly healthy.

Each color in the Quantum Ocean, mind of God, is a divine blueprint with many uses.
Color healing is just one of them.

There are many ways to meditate upon health.
You can pick and choose a favorite healer of yours, Paracelsus, Dinshah, Hanhamann, Schussler, Bach etc. to meditate upon.

Choose a healer that understands energy. Not one that does surgery.

You want to mediate on energy being transferred from the Quantum Ocean to you. You do not want to put poisonous drugs into your area by thinking about them.

The great healers exist in the Quantum Ocean. There is no past, present, or future there. There is only the NOW.

Meditate on a photo or a print of your favorite healer with a mental prayer. Such as "Hanhamann show me what I must do to heal my liver!"

At the end of the meditation, go about your business, but be aware that your answer will come from the energy of Hanhaman who exists in the Quantum Ocean, the mind of God.

Your answer will come from a person, a book, a phone call, a letter, or event in your life. Say aware in a state of expectation and you will be answered.

Look for my other articles which will tell you the actual healing meditation exercise as well as separate articles on other forms of healing meditations. This is just my first of many articles I will be writing about practical healing meditations.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Astrological Sagittarius + Bio-chemical Cell Salt Silca + Health

Sagittarius and Silica

The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 22 and lasts until December 21. It relates to the higher mind and to the hips and thighs.

It is concerned with the formation of blood vessels and ruled by Jupiter.

It is associated with the vibrations of the number 10 - equilibrium, will power and supremacy.

It's symbol is the Centaur, half man, half horse. He holds a drawn bow aimed upward. Sagittarius deals with religion and law.

The higher mind is the inevitable conqueror of all the lesser powers. Intuition is needed to aver accidents, and to have one's life run smoothly.

Sagittarius is also related to speech and thought. One day humanity will realize that the immortal, transcendental facts of existence which will explain the purpose of man; lies waiting to be discovered in the recesses of the mind.

We must be transformed by the renewal of our minds. Warfare among nations, peoples, family quarrels, and any kind of fighting, is entirely due to the inharmonious state of brain cells. We attract what our brain cells create.

Hippocrates, who is the "father of medicine," is really our higher mind. We must learn to heal ourselves.

Silica is the cell salt for Sagittarius and the higher mind. Without Silica, the sharp clear cut mental processes of the higher mind are not possible.

Our mind stuff is the giver of all good things! "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind!"

The Sanitarian cell-salt is the Silica which is a quartz. It constitutes all materials Christillite.

A deficiency of Silica in the connective tissue between the cerebrum and the cerebellum, produces a mental conditions in which thinking is difficult.

Silica is a man's surgeon and the only absolutely safe one. The tiny particles of silica salt travel throughout the body, pushing in and around cells that are congested with waste matter. They dig them up, loosen them and push them out.

They are a very active surgeon, Work-men. The waste products will be eliminated through the avenues of the least resistance.

Red eyelids and redness of the edges of the nostrils indicate a need for Silica.

Acne, and red pimples tell of a need for the salt.

The other many symptoms arising from insufficient Silica are : mental fogginess, despondency, disgust with life, lumps on the scalp, hair falling out, sties on the eyelids, boils, cataract, dullness of hearing, gum boils, hardening of the tongue, tonsillitis, abscess of the liver, hard lumps on the breast, bronchitis, hip - joint disease, carbuncles, and sleeplessness. The symptoms are always worse at night and during the full moon.

When we learn to live in our higher minds we are insulated from dangers. Silica makes our intuition keen and clear-cut. We learn to judge instantly and accurately. The arrow of our thoughts flies strait to their marks. Or as the Tarot would say, the sword of spirit penetrates the matter and informs it.

Our higher mind is the bridge over which we must cross. The higher mind is our Pegasus.

Our true destiny is to become immortal and God-like. We can only do it by over coming the lower mind with the higher one.

Sanitarians, the keepers of the higher mind, need Silica. We all need Silica.
Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Astrological Scorpio + Bio-chemical Cell Salt Calcium Sulph = Health

Astrology and Biochemistry
Scorpio - Calcium Sulph

Scorpio, October 23 - November 22 is the eighth sign affiliated with the organs of procreation. The wrong use of the Scorpio energy or sexual excesses, or self abuse can result in paralysis.

Halloween was originally based on some special fact having to do with procreation. Is is a Scorpio Holiday.

Degeneration, generation and regeneration are the three stages of the triune being that is Scorpio. These are animal, human and spiritual man. It is regretful that the a majority of humans are still in the first stage.

Degeneration means that one cohabits solely for the sake of pleasurable sensation.

Generation means to generate, to become parents, to have sex solely for children.

Regeneration means that there is no longer any thought of sex.

Scorpio is next to Libra, the balance sign. If you pass beyond the balance point, the Scorpio will get you.

In the ancient alchemical writings, they talked about transmuting lead into gold. They meant an interior transformational process. Scorpio's who control their powerful sexual nature can transform into the White Eagle.

Calcium Sulph will help Scorpios make this transformation. Bio-chemistry helps solve the problems for all creation is accomplished because certain elements are able to do a particular work.

There is no Karma attached to Generation. It is for the preservation and the continuity of man kind. It is the only way where by evolution may work out. Generation is the first step towards perfection.

Remember, we are here on this planet to perfect ourselves.

Those who do not make right use of the procreative material and are cheating themselves of their most precious possession.

Calcium Sulph protects all vascular surfaces from contact with fluids. The stomach is lined with Calcium Sulph and is not digested by it's own acids.

When this salt becomes deficient the coating of the stomach becomes thin, and it's acids will cause damage.

The eye balls, the nasal passages, mouth, throat, passage way into the stomach, the bladder; all parts containing moisture use Calcium Sulph for protection.

Lack of Calcium Sulph causes burning sensations, even burning feet.

Take Calcium Sulph generously. A very deficient lack of Calcium Sulph may lead to Venereal Diseases: barrenness in women; and anemia. Disintegration of both creative and procreative cells result from an insufficient supply of this salt.

Scorpio is intimately related to Death and burial. We kill ourselves and bury our higher self.

Other symptoms caused by a deficiency of this salt are:
Pus; abscess of the cornea; ulcers of the eye; ulceration at the roots of the teeth; swollen gums; inflammation of the bladder; abscess of the prostrate; inflammation of the breasts; burning of the feet; and wounds that do not heal.

Scorpio's take your Calcium Sulph and you will see a gradual change within your physical body. It will get rid of dead and dying cells. It will become beautiful as the precious oil of life is not spilled.
Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Libra Heal Thyself With Bio-Chemical Cell Salts Natrium Phosphate

Astrology and Bio-Chemical Cell Salts
Libra - Natrium Phos

The Sun is starting it's journey South of the Equator - The Fall Equinox, from September 22Nd - October 20Th. The forces of nature are now indrawing. A pair of scales is the glyph for Libra. This sign stands for balance - Equilibrium. Physiologically it has to do with the kidneys, adrenal glands and bladder.

Libra is the seventh sign and second of the air triplicity. Gemini is first and Aquarius is thirds. It is under the ruler ship of Venus. Libra is charm, attractiveness and sensual love.

The seductive form and beauty of those born Libras intuitively lead to severe tests of their morality.

Venus ever tends to lead one to excesses.

The sexual act robs the brain and body of its corpuscles. When they are thrown away in creating pleasurable sensation, the sexual act becomes a sin against your higher self.

To become balanced, mentally and physically, the passions must be held in check. To the degree in which a person is chemically deficient is he mentally and physically unbalanced.

Venus, Isis and Eve are identical with Aditi and Vach in Hindu literature. They are all "Mothers" of the all living.

The light of reason, intelligence and intuition, will be restored to humanity when sexual indulgence ceases.

Earthly marriage is a man-made institution and concerns the sexual life. Spiritual marriage is the coming together and balancing of the the forces and organs and especially the union of the pineal and pituitary glands of each individual.

Sex and money, money and sex! These two constitute the two chief subjects in the minds of the great majority.

Spirit and Matter are equilibrized when the soul is fully purified. Spirit is the finest of matter, matter is the coursest of spirit.

Natrium Phosphate is a balancing salt. It's great function is to change acid to alkali. Although Nat Phos is designated to Libra, everyone in today's world of the fast food and processed food; needs Nat Phos to drop their acid levels. And acid body leads to disease. Parasites and other harmful entities can only exist in an acidic environment.

Nat Phos releases water from the kidneys, and reduces bloating. Carrots contain some of the minerals as Nat Phos and are a very healthy vegetable.

Acids cannot exist in the presence of Nat Phos or carrots. Acid does not belong in the Human body.

The grand Architect and chemist of the Universe would not choose irritants (acids) to build their temple(ie the body.)

When sufficient Nat Phos is used the urine becomes alkaline.

Acid results from a general deficiency in the sodiums and the fermentation of food.

Those who are acidic are almost constantly craving something: soda, candy, sandwiches etc. They are quickly upset and have a chip on their shoulder.

Isn't it interesting that all parasites, humans included, always crave something that others have.

Lack or deficiency of Nat Phos leads to rheumatism and poor eyesight. There is nothing which so quickly reacts to the eyes than acid.

There is nothing which so quickly changes a good disposition into a quarrelsome, disagreeable one, as acid.

Other symptoms for lack of Nat Phos are: headaches, fear of insanity, Headache with pain in the stomach, inflammation of the eyes, ears become sore and scabby; worms, and canker sores etc.

Insufficient urination is another symptom of the need for Nat Phos.

Balance, is measure and patience combined with Nat Phos are the eternal conditions of high success for Libra.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Heal Thyself With Color Blue

Heal Yourself with Color
More Destroyed Healing Pioneers

One of the main reasons why a sunny day is so important to your health is the blue sky that comes along with it. Blue and green are Nature's healing colors. If we were to get enough natural blue and green colors to see and feel daily, we would have less health problems.

Think of all the dark grey cities, with their skyscrapers blocking out the sun and the blue sky. And the black top destroying the green grass. As the song says, "we take paradise and put up a parking lot!" There is the systematic destruction of our forests and Rain Forests. Is it any wonder so many people are sick?

I sometimes wonder of there is not a Giant Entity planning the debilitation of the human race. It sure looks lie it has a God Strangle hold.

The Solution is Energy! We must understand that we are energy beings. The Sun, the blue sky, the grass, and the trees are all ENERGY. We need their energy if we are to remain healthy.

We need to study and use energy healing techniques. We need to stop ingesting drugs and useless surgery. We need to stop submitting our finely tuned energy bodies to the destructive Frankenstein, electronic Medical devices like MRI's, X-rays, Cat-scans which all do more harm than good.

We need more energy healing techniques that do not invade our Auric shell, like chiropractors, color, herbs, Bach flower remedies, Homeopathic remedies, Eeman circuits and many forms of healing meditation.

We are energy beings and we can heal ourselves with energy healing techniques.

Attributes of the Color Blue

The color Blue relieves itching, and irritation.

The color Blue encourages perspiration.

The color Blue is a mild sedative.

The color Blue reduces or removes fever.

The color Blue reduces inflammation.

The color Blue is a pineal stimulant

The color Blue builds vitality.

One by one we are born, one by one we live, one by one we die. We must learn to take care of our health ourselves.

I recently wrote an article call "Healing Pioneers are Destroyed!" I would like to add to that list a few more pioneers that the scientific and religious worlds have destroyed.

Dinshah tell the story of how the great healer Zarathustra, 6000 years ago was also murdered. He was a revered prophet of Ancient Iran. He gave the world a treatise on the healing arts. Alexander conquered Persia and destroyed the Royal Library in Persepolis. Zarathustra's works were destroyed.

Even the great teacher and healer Jesus would be prevented from healing today, under the absurd Medical laws. He would go to jail for practicing "medicine" with out a license.

Socrates who tried to heal men's minds with right thinking, was compelled to drink poison Hemlock.

Galileo tried to cure humanity and free them from the dis-ease of dogmatic religion. He suffered at the hands of the Inquisition.

The persecution of healing pioneers continues even to this day.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Heal Yourself With the Color Indigo

Heal Yourself With The Color

The Age of Aquarius is ushering in the Age of "I Know." I know how to heal myself. What better way to start than with color healing, with Dinshah's Spectro-Chrome therapy.
No Diagnosis
No Drugs
No Manipulation
No Surgery

There are and have always been a handful of Pioneers on the planet that have tried to move mankind ahead. They have all been pretty much ridiculed, ostracized and even murdered.

Though the pioneer may have died, his invention, his idea or methodology survived.

So it is with Dinshah, Tesla, Socrates, Galileo, etc. I have given you their stories in previous articles.

Let me share with you the attributes of the color Indigo, before I share the stories of more pioneers.

Indigo is the combination of the color Blue with the color Violet. There are three color filters that are combined together to give us Indigo, Blue (#859) + Blue(#866)+ Red (# 828)
There are Roselene Filters.

The color Indigo is a parathyroid builder and stimulant.
The color Indigo is a thyroid depressant.
The color Indigo is a respiratory depressant.
The color Indigo causes contraction, control ls abscesses, lessens secretions, arrests discharges and hemorrhages.
The color Indigo promotes the production of phagocytes which destroy harmful micro-organisms, bacteria, germs etc.

The color Indigo is a mammary depressant and reduces milk production.
The color Indigo eases suffering, lessens excitement and over activity.

I share the concept of struggling pioneers with you because Dinshah is one of them. He was demonized, jailed, fined and had all his instruments and inventions destroyed. But color healing prevails and will become a more dominant healing technique as we enter deeper into the New Age of Aquarius.

The Scotsman, James Watt who in 1786, discovered the use of steam for work was given a very difficult time. But his invention lived on long after him and gave us our great steam age of ships and trains.

Robert Stephenson, the Englishman in 1781, a pioneer, gave the world the first locomotive "rocket!"

Peter Cooper, an American in 1820, built the "Tom Thumb" locomotive that pulled 40 people at 18 miles an hour. They told him it was dangerous to the health of people to move that "fast."

Robert Fulton, in 1814 was only allowed to build a steamboat if he made an American War ship.

Alexander Graham Bell, in 1876, transmitted the human voice across wires. It took him over 8 years to get financial backing to produce his telephone.

George Westinghouse invented the air-brake and was told by Vanderbilt, a member of the establishment, "I have no time to waste on damned fools!"

Henry Ford's "Tin Lizzy" was laughed and scoffed at.

In 1796, Samuel Christian Friedrick Hanhaman, inventor of Homeopathy, caused such a stir in the medical community that he was run out of his home town, Lepsig, Germany.

Just a few Pioneers to show you two points. All Pioneers pay the price for their inventions. Out of the billions upon billions of people who live or have lived on the planet Earth, only a few are responsible for moving man forward.

Color healing is here to stay!
Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Virgo's Heal Theyself With Bio-chemical Cell Salt Kali Sulph

Astrology and Cell-Salts
Virgo and Kali Sulph

On the 23rd of August the Sun enters Virgo the Virgin. It is the House of Health. Health exists when all the chemical (cell-salt) constituents of the blood are present.

To be perfect, is to be pure, unadulterated. No one accepts the truth until he has been forced to do so by means of experience gained by suffering.

Humanity must use the Age of Aquarius and turn it's attention to the science of attaining and preserving health.

Reincarnation of the spirit again and again into a new body should mean a better physical vehicle each time.

Virgo was allocated in ancient times with the solar plexis and the bowels. The abdominal brain. Each of the twelve divisions of the solar plexus allocates with one of the signs of the zodiac and a certain part of the body. The plexus itself is a little zodiac.

The Solar plexus is both a receiving and a broadcasting station.

Love of sensation has caused man's body to become dulled and semi-paralyzed by continuous indulgence. Sensation wastes energy and actually consumes material.

The Age of Aquarius will see the end of animal meat as food, liquor, tobacco and drugs.

Virgo is the health sign. And no one can be healed until they become whole. No one can heal another. Each must do it for himself.

Virgo is the oldest purely allegorical representation of innocence and virtue. Virgo is the symbol of the purified emotion, or purified lower nature, no longer driven by the desire mind.

A divine element is a a spiritual quickening, and is required for evolution. The chemical formula of the body must be perfected.

In old age, the human body is very low on oil. The body looks dry and shriveled. Skin, hair, intestinal tract and bones require sufficient oil. Lymph Glands need plenty of oil.

Kali sulph helps create this oil with in the body.

Deficiency of Kali Sulph causes poisonous diseases such as feelings of suffocation, desire for cold air, hot flashes, dandruff, ear aches, deafness from swelling of the internal ear, stuffy colds, neuralgia of the the face, abdominal troubles, bronchitis, whooping cough, rheumatic pains and blood poisoning.

Kali Sulph should be given in all children's diseases.

The human body must possess sufficient Kali Sulph to enable the Solar Plexis to function properly.

All sorrow, sickness, death and plagues would disappear from the face of the earth if every one took enough Kali Sulph.

Virgo's need daily doses of Kali Sulph!

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Leo Heal Thyself With Bio-chemical Sell Salt Mag Phos

Astrology and Leo- Magnesium Phosphate

Leo's need Magnesium Phosphate. From July 22 to August 23 the sun transits it's own sign. Leo means Lion. The lion represents motion, energy in action, the heart, motor and nerves. Symbolic of high moral courage and self-control.

Sexual passion, love affairs, amusements and speculation are attributes to Leo. Unfortunately they can be negative and destructive. They are e-motions (outward force.) This is one of the problems with today is that there is an imbalance, and a great mass of humanity is still concerned with e-moting.

Motion is the true function of Leo, not e-motion. The prime directive for Leo is to create, create, create! The Sun creates the most powerful vibrations.

Leo represents the diametrically opposed characters and conditions. One energy for creation the other for destruction.

Our desires and emotions, like the lion, tear us to pieces and consume us if we let them. The blood becomes feverish and the heart labors furiously. Is it any wonder that the sexual act causes a severe strain to the heart?

Create Leo! The sunrise means daily restoration. The pumping of new strength through every nerve. The power of dawn and the purging of evil. The Sun is the influence of Spiritual good.

For the Leo, the middle course is safest and best. They can attain equilibrium and become balanced, perfect.

Magnesium Phosphate is the cell salt for Leo's. When Magnesium Phosphate becomes very deficient, spasms in the body result. Body acid attracts the magnesium in the body causing nerve pain.

Magnesium Phosphate protects both sensory and motor nerves.

Leo's are magnanimous. This means one who is great of mind, elevated in soul, raised above what is low. Leo's are courageous, noble spirited and unselfish.

Health is ease of mind and body. Dis-ease is the absence of ease. Deficiency of Magnesium Phosphate causes some very curious symptoms, such as cramps in the limbs, fingers and neck. There can be lock-jaw, spasmodic coughing, sneezing, choking, and hiccough. Magnesium Phosphate is a true spasmodic remedy.

Angina Pectoris is a very painful symptom which calls for large doses of the salt.

Neuritis and Neuralgia need this salt. In fact all troubles of the heart and motor system need it.

Each in-organic cell salt knows how to make some part of the human organism.

Lack of Magnesium Phosphate also causes queer mental disorders such as nervous head ache, seeing double, seeing color, twitching eyelids, squinting, earache a loss of the sense of smell and stammering.

The function of this salt is concerned with vitality, activity, the circulation of the blood, nerve force, and glandular fluids etc.

The word e-motion means to flow out (energy) to go out from. It implies disturbance, a waste or loss of motion.

The human body needs perfect circulation of energy. There can be no spasmodic action or loss of energy. Emotion is the spasmodic action of energy.

Joy is always beneficial, it seems to stimulate one physically as well as mentally. Love is ease, balance and harmony.

Magnesium Phosphate is needed by Leo's to keep energies flowing towards creatively and not e-motions.

A study of physiology, anatomy, bio-chemistry and Astrology will clean up all doubts about the healing powers of cell salts.

Email me for my free 10 part Mini-Course


Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Cancer Heal Thyself With Bio-chemical Calcium Fluoride

Astrological Sun Signs
Bio-Chemical Cell Salts

Cancer and Calcium Fluoride

Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac. Physiologically it pertains to the breast, stomach and spleen. It is ruled by the moon. It is the sign of physical conception. Cancer is a water sign and pertains to fluids.

Cancer is tenaciousness and memory, it is tenacity of thought. Deficiency in Calcium Fluoride causes one to be forgetful.

The great secret of Astrology is that it is the story of understanding purification and mastery and perfection of the human body.

The key to all occult writings is physiological.

The great secret hidden in the sign of Cancer is that of Nature's power to reproduce. -- To allow the body to recreate itself daily. It does this by the ceaseless formation of corpuscle, within the spleen.

Cancer is the gate of men through with souls descended from Heaven into human bodies.

Cancer is the most productive, the most important of the three fluidic signs, for without it no corpuscle can be formed.

The fluoride of lime (Calcium Fluoride) is found in the enamel of the teeth, connective tissue and the elastic fiber of all muscular tissue.

Deficiency of Calcium Fluoride causes varicose veins, and general "sagging down" feeling.
It also causes peculiar mental conditions such as fear of poverty and forgetfulness.

No one will ever be permanently united with the higher self, until the physical body ceases being tormented, starved and destroyed because of the ignorance of the personality.

Only through continued maintenance of health in the body can one be regenerated.

Calcium Fluoride possesses a vibration or rate of motion capable of regeneration.

When Calcium Fluoride is deficient, skin is rough and chapped. It looses it's elastic substance. Tumors, blurred vision, cataracts, loose teeth receding gums, hemorrhoids, digestive trouble, forgetfullness and fear of poverty are some of the outstanding indications of the need of the salt. A crusty disposition is another.

It will be wonderful when parents become familiar with physio-Chemical Astrology and with the science of supplying the blood with it's proper Cell-Salts.

Children will grow up healthy. All problems of the eyes will be cured.

Those born during Cancer usually have a great supply of reserve energy; and although they seem delicate looking, they are surprisingly strong and have wonderful recuperative powers.

There are many wonderful souls awaiting birth. When people are no longer subject to unbridled lust and two who respect and love one another and wish for a child, having corrected their chemical deficiencies, what a wonderful child will be born.

But who today is even thinking about such a plan?

The Age of Aquarius and the powers of Uranus are stirring and shaking the old decadent ideas.

Either rays of light will come down on the mentality of mankind, or the little consciousness left on the planet will be snuffed out.




Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Heal Yourself With Color Turquoise

Heal Yourself With Color


Dinshah's Spectro-Chrome therapy has produced marvelous results for many people, but there are limitations and slow or no results which I will speak about shortly.

Lemon and Turquoise are opposite colors, they both contain 1/2 Green. They both cause favorable changes in nutrition and tissue repair. Generally, Lemon is used for chronic cases (long standing.) And Turquoise is used for acute conditions (recent.)

Attributes Of the Color Turquoise

The Color Turquoise produces a favorable change in the processes of nutrition and repair in recent disorders (acute alternative.)

The color Turquoise is a brain depressant.

The color Turquoise is a skin tonic.

The color Turquoise rebuilds burned skin (antipyrotic.)

The color Turquoise is an equilibrator after extended use of infra-Green tonations.

Let's talk about slow or no results when using Spectro-Chrome Colors.

It works wonders but like all treatments, rules, or guidelines need to be followed.

The first rule is Diet. A poor diet of beef, booze and tobacco must be eliminated if you want to get best results from Spectro-Chrome therapy.

Lack of persistence in another leading cause of lack of results. Some cases take a considerable time to progress to be apparent. Dinshah warned against taking just a "few" intonations.

Then there is incorrect technique. Dinshah tell the story about a woman who complained of "no results," after a month of tonation. When he spoke to her about it, she told him that she insisted on tonating with a bed sheet covering herself, because she didn't want her husband to see her nude.

Sometimes it is just too late. Sooner or later a person's healing efforts can not keep up with all the ever present destructive forces. Death awaits all of us. If the constructive forces within the body can not keep up with the destructive forces, it is then a TERMINAL case.

But much comfort can be secured by continuing with Spectro-Chrome tonations to the end. "Miracles" have been known to happen.

Some ailments have their causes in stressful living, emotional turmoil, environmental pollutants etc. Some causes of illness are hard to pin down.

If you do not find the cause it may be difficult to find the proper tonation.

Heredity could be a hidden cause. Mental or religious attitudes are other worries.

Spectro-Chrome Therapy works weather the person believes it will or not. Two outstanding qualities are needed for treatment to work which are a positive attitude and the will to live.

Expect good results. Spectro-Chrome has the potential for affecting almost all health conditions.

Your body knows best. One of the unfounded fears is the fear of fevers.

Fever is a friend not an enemy, unless it gets out of hand - above 104 degrees. The white blood cells are the defenders work better, to overthrow germs. Blue and Purple control high fevers without weakening the body's recuperative powers.

From Birth to Death we are surrounded by may influences, forces and energies. Some we are not even aware of.

Spectro-Chrome is a great defender of health against the antagonistic outside influences.

Email me for free 10 part mini-course:



Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Heal Yourself With Color - Healing Pioneers Are Destroyed

Heal Yourself With Color
Pioneers Are Destroyed!

It seems to me that the way society functions is this way:
95% of society just goes along. Out of the 5% that is left of society come our great thinkers, healers, artists, musicians, creators etc.

Within the 95% a select group of individuals set themselves up as experts or authorities and they then compel the 95% to fall within that norm.

The A.M.A. , religious leaders, bureaucrats, educational leaders, have all built rules for the 95%. And if you are one of the 95% and mind your own business, FOLLOW THE RULES and don't go scratching the surface of things as the "appear" to be, all is well.

But what of the 5% who have decided to become pioneers in their fields and to bring the world new ideas.

If you look back at some of the pioneers; you will see how this secret group of experts and authorities took it upon themselves to DESTROY both the pioneers and their teachings. In this way they were able to keep their own vested interests alive.

Here are just a few to whet your appetite, so that you can find others by yourself.

Paracelsus was a wonderful healer from Germany, almost 500 years ago. His methods did not include the scalpel or any type of chemical, drug poisons. Rather he treated the "whole" man, realizing that man is comprised of much more than a physical body. The doctors at the time were furious because of his amazing track record of healing, and as a result they lured him to a mountain top and pushed him off.

Delaware from England, was the inventor of the BLACK BOX radionics device, which was used at this time for a most successful, all natural form of pest control for crops, along with a great many other healing uses that would have benefited mankind. But he was battered from pillar to post by the Royal Medical Society and was in and out of court. They bankrupted him and destroyed his devices.

Nicole Tesla wanted to give the world access to a generator that would provide FREE energy! The powers that be, who were getting rich, selling regulated,controlled, high priced electricity and petroleum drove him out of Long Island. He went to Colorado. They sent agents out to blow up his lab. They were only interested in using this inventor, of one of the greatest minds of the century, for the military, with his invention of the "Death Ray!" And giving the world FREE energy was not on their agenda.

Darius Dinshah, the originator of Spectro-Chrome Therapy was another pioneer who fell under the axe of the authorities.

I have personally studied Dinshah's Color healing methods and I have one of his original Color projectors.

I have used his color filters and projector for over 20 years and have found it's curative, healing powers to be beyond words.

I would like to tell you a little about how the authorities crushed him and his pioneering ideas.

Dinshah P. Ghadia, was born in Bombay, India on November 28Th 1873. He made his first visit to the United States in 1896 at (23 years of age.) He met both Thomas Edison and Nicola Tesla.

During the Bubonic plague in India, the niece of one of the Theosophical Society friends was dying. Orthodox healing methods did not help. Dinshah turned to the then noted Color Healer of the time Dr. Ewin Babbitt and applied his methods. He saved her life using this form of healing! It wasn't until 23 years later that he devised his own healing system- Spectro- Chrome.

In 1911 he emigrated to the United States with his wife and two children. In 1918, he received a commission as a captain in the New York City Police reserve and joined the American Association of Progressive Medicine.

In 1920 he gave his first lecture on Spectro-Chrome therapy and established the Spectro-Chrome Institute in New York City.

In 1933 he wrote the Spectro-Chrome Therapy Encyclopedia.

In 1947, the FDA brought hit to trial in Camden, New Jersey. Coincidentally, a fire destroyed his institutes main building! Coincidence, I think not! He lost all his scientific equipment, models, library, and case history's, thus impeding his defense in court.

He was found guilty of being a medical quack. It resulted in a $20,000 fine and probation for 5 years. Dinshah had to surrender all his remaining books and equipment. The FDA burned the books and destroyed the color projectors with their sledge hammers. They even went into the homes of private citizens who had purchased color projector and destroyed them. The total value was over $250,000.

The moral of the story: Don't mess with the FDA or the AMA and try to heal people as a pioneer.

His Three sons are keeping up the work of their father, going as best they can with the FDA, AMA and IRS looking over their shoulders.

You can contact his sons for more information :

The Dinshah Health Society
PO Box 707
Malaga, NJ 08328

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Gemini Heal Thyself With Biochemical Cell Salts

Gemini and Kali Mur

The closer we can get to the source of all creation which is now called the Quantum Ocean, or the mind of God, the more perfect our life will become mentally, spiritually and physically.

Besides what you read here in these articles, a study of Estoteric Biochemistry and Physiological and Astrological interpretations of your Sun Sign will be rewarding.

We now enter Gemini starting on May 21 with twenty days in June, Gemini is associated with the brain and nerves, which have a chemical formula. Absolute self control is possible when they are chemically perfect then true character will be built.

Mercury rules Gemini. Mercury is mind; physiologically, the cerebral-spinal system - the nerves. The cerebral - spinal substance is thought material, creative life force.

Gemini, as well as Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are neutral, mutable signs.

Gemini, the twins signifies the higher and lower selves, individuality and personality on the mental plane.

When the brain is chemically perfect individuality is manifested. When chemically unbalanced it harms the body and injures others. (personality) The great majority of human beings come under the negative interpretation of Gemini. They are living in the lower mind.

The physiological allocation to Gemini, the bronchial tubes and lungs, the shoulders, arms and hands. The lungs combine air and blood. Our mental power is our real treasure.

Every cell in our body is a alive and it is a water - air creature.

Remember this article serves only as an introduction to others which will follow. Truth is very simple and easily understood when the brain is in good condition.

It must be kept free from acid accumulations and poison. Take Kali Mur!

The fate and destiny of every individual depends upon the extent and degree to which they control the life force flowing through their cerebral - spinal nervous system.

Kali Mur (potassium chloride) produces fibron, the thread like structure of organic tissue, necessary in the formation of nerves, ligaments, veins, skin, tissure and all flesh.

This could all have been brought into caution from the past.

To free yourself from these mental impurities take Kali Mur.

It will raise your vibrations and vaporize your burdens.

The caduceus of Mercury and Gemini is the symbol of healing.

All around us today we see humanity as a whole floundering in chaos - a sea of emotion. Self control is the taming of the beast in man. The emotions tear us to pieces and consume us. It is the electricity of life which runs the body, and with which we think.

Kali Mur is a specific for children's diseases such as scarlet fever, measles, chicken pox, swollen glands, tonsillitis, mumps etc.

Inflammatory rheumatism needs Kali Mur.

Thick blood results from a lack of Kali Mur. The brain becomes congested when the blood is thick and circulation is slow. One is unable to think clearly. With Kali Mur humanity will strive more to live positively, creatively and no longer destructively.

Mercury (the mind) this great physician, will at last fulfill his divine mission, which is to HEAL diseases. Other symptoms arising from lack of Kali Mur : sick head ache from a sluggish liver, want of bile, white mucus from the eyes, ear ache, swelling of the glands, grey tongue, cracking noises in the ears, stuffy colds; catarrh; canker sores in the mouth; constipation, poor circulation plus many more.

We need materials to work with Kali Mur!

"They that be whole need not a physician" and "Physician heal thyself!"

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.