Saturday, May 10, 2008

Color Healing Pioneer Edwin Dwight Babbitt

Edwin Dwight Babbitt

All the great researchers in the field of Light such as Newton, Wollaston, Fraunhofer, Kirchoff, Bursen and others only studied the physical phenomena of Light. They paid no attention to the power or healing properties of Light in relation to the human body.

Edwin Dwight Babbitt was the first man to become interested from the this scientific standpoint.

He had his Science Hall at 141 Eight Street New York City. In 1876, during the Centennial of the United States, he announced his "Discovery of the Form and Constitution of Atoms." He showed how they worked in connection to Ethereal Forces to produce the effects of heat, cold, electricity, magnetism, chemical action, light and color.

In 1878, he wrote his book, "The Principles of Light and Color." He said that there was no science what ever, excepting Pure Mathematics that reaches down to basic principles. He said it was time that the wonderful world of Light and Color, which is invisible to the human eye, be made known. Thereby many of the mysteries of Nature and human Life will be cleared up.

The book enraged the Medical doctors. They refused to believe that Light and Color can have any effect on the Human Body.

In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, General Augustus James Pleasonton published his book "Blue and Sunlights." He contended that alternating ordinary transparent glass with Blue glass, would grow more grapes than under normal conditions.

Both Babbitt and Pleasonton were ridiculed and laughed at by the medical community. But none of the "laughers" investigated their claims to see if in fact they were true.

I did. I use color everyday in my life. I have blue color filters that I place around my quart size mason jar. Then I out it out in the sun all day. In the evening I take it in, place in refrigerator to cool. Then I drink a glass f “blue” water before bed and one again in eth morning.

I also do it with green. Have you ever wondered why the creator gave us so much green and blue to look at every day? If just looking at the color green and blue can calm you and help heal you, just think what drinking it can do.

The Scientific American of New York wrote strongly against Pleasonton, calling it the "Blue Glass Craze." They were never given the chance to demonstrate their Scientific principles.

Babbitt had chapters in his book on: Chromo-Chemistry, Chromo-Therapeutics, Chromopathy, Chromo-Culture of Vegetable Life, Chromo-Philosophy, Chromo-Dynamics of Higher Grade Lights and Color, and Chromo-Mentalism.

Chrom-mentalism is very interesting. Now that the Laws of Quantum Physics have told us that thoughts are things, just thinking about healing colors can help.

Each of Babbitt's chapters is a masterpiece of deep thinking. But even with all this, it was not enough to awaken scientists into the use of Light and Color for healing purposes.

Babbitt died broken hearted and poor. Here is another pioneer destroyed by the entrenched, dogmatic Medical Society.

Another Medical Doctor who published a book in 1877, on "Blue and Red Light." or "Light and it's Rays as Medicine." was ostracized also. He was a very prominent physician who took an interest in the Higher Forces of Nature for healing. It did not matter, he thought outside the box and ws penalized for it.

Five years before the publication of Edwin Dwight Babbitt's memorable volume, Dinshah P. Ghadiali was born in Bombay India, Friday, November 28, 1873. He gave the world his Scientifically proven methodology of Color Healing. His work is called Spectro-Chrome Metry.

I have all 12 of his color filters and I use them daily as a maintenance program against ill health. The deeper purples and magentas have a marvelous healing affect on stressed emotions.

Go to the net and research Babbitt, Dinshah and color healing in general.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.



Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Visit my Blogs:

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Heal Yourself With Color Scarlet

Color Scarlet

Most pioneers in the field of color healing used only the seven basic colors of the rainbow, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Dinshah with his more precise matematical approach to color healing, called the Spectro-Chrome therapy, used twelve colors. He devised red, orange, yellow, lemon, green, turquoise, blue, indigo, violet purple and scarlet.

In his book, a practical manual for Spectro-Chrome Therapy, he lists 237 disorders of the human body.
(You can order his book from:
The Dinshah Health Society
PO Box 707
Malaga, NJ 08328 USA


The color Scarlet is a kidney and adrenal stimulant.

The color Scarlet is a general stimulant which increases the functional activity of the arteries.

The color Scarlet raises blood pressure.

The color Scarlet is an emotional stimulant which builds sexual powers.

The color Scarlet stimulates the reproductive system.

Let us review the basic tonations for obvious conditions such as burns, cuts, colds, nosebleeds, sprains, insomnia, loose teeth, indigestion, sterility, etc.

For all disorders, except a few emergency conditions, green or one of it's derivatives (lemon, or turquoise) are included in the tonation program.

Green is the physical equilibrator and tends to bring all bodily functions to normal levels.

I have found that frequent tonations of green, lemon and turquoise stop most, if not all of winter's problems. In recent (acute) disorders, there is a temperature rise. Use turquoise (green and blue) to control fever. You can use purple for high fevers.

In persistant disorders lemon (yellow and green) is used. Green cleans and yellow stimulates the reparative and recuperative powers.

Purple, magenta and/or scarlet are used for the heart, blood circulation and reproductive system.

At my age, 72, I give myself tonations of these colors once a week. It is a great preventative medicine.

Dinshah uses several color schedules (various colors) for long-term tonations in cases of paralysis, sensory deficiency or nerve damage. Lemon, orange and red are the colors used.

I have found that on a particularly dark, cloudy day, with no sunshine, I have tonated myself with orange and it brought my spirits up. My wife, Lory, who is a Leo, and needs more Sun than I, frequently takes orange tonations. Orange helps us get through the doldrums of a Pennsylvania Winter.

Indigo works well for bleeding, abscesses and pain.

There is a great deal more to be learned about Color Healing and Dinshah's Spectro-Chrome Therapy. In his fantastic book "Spectro-Chrome Metry Encyclopedia" he gives scientific as well as spiritual facts and reasons explaining the workings of his Spectro-Chrome Therapy.

Being a retired Math Professor and student of the Spiritual Sciences for over 30 years, I find this book engrossing and informative.

Dinshah offers full scientific explanations of the Universal Elements, velocity, time, space, octaves of oscillatory frequencies, sound, rhythm and music. All are correlated to color.

He gives a full why, what and how?

Reading his two books have given me a much wider outlook on what life is all about and a positive acurate methodology of keeping myself and family healthy.
Please. Join Me!

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wifr Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.
To see more of his writings visit his websites.
Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."
You can contact him at

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Heal Yourself With Color Magenta

Heal Yourself with Color

Dinshah differed from the other color healing pioneers, such as Babbitt, by increasing the number of healing colors used.

Magenta is one of those colors. It is the great emotional equalibrator color and is directly opposite the physical equalibrator color green.

Magenta combines the colors red and violet. It's Roscolene filter numbers are 818, 828, and 866.

Attributes of the color Magenta:

The color Magenta is the emotional equalibrator and auric builder. The color Magenta builds and equalibrates the functional activity of the heart; the blood circulatory system; the kidneys and Adrenals; and the reproductive system.

Dinshah's Spectro-Chrome therapy calls upon higher laws to heal. The Human Engine differs from the automobile engine in a very important way. The automobile can not replace it's worn out parts.

The "Human Engine," does so every day, very efficiently.

There is something within Man which is more than chemicals. Spectro-Chrome is the only system of healing which takes into consideration the higher life of man.

Thousands of years ago, people noticed the brilliant lights of the Aurora Borealis (Northern Brightness, or Lights), and in the southern latitudes the Aurora Australis (Southern Brightness.) They all wondered about it, but did not understand it.

The rainbow, which is quite often seen in the sky was looked at, wondered over, but never studied or explained.

These marvelous arrays of color in the Heavens, were silent but a meaningful message of the Creator God.

Dinshah deciphered the full message and gift to the suffering world. It is one of the greatest healing sciences of all Ages.

Sir Issac Newton,(17Th Century) gets credit for establishing the scientific Laws in regard to light and color. Only one soul of a kind is incarnated for work as a pioneer.

Newton used a prism, a triangular piece of glass. When the white sunlight struck the prism, it produced the seven basic colors of the rainbow, Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red.

The Pioneer Newton opened the door for the pioneer Dinshah two centuries later.

All of the previous pioneers and researchers in the field of Light, were mainly interested in its physical phenomena. They paid little attention to the power, or effects of light in actual relation to the human organism.

The first man to be interested, prior to Dinshah and after Newton, was Dr. Edward Babbitt. In 18 78, he published his book "Principals of Light and Color." This book of Babbitt's, was denounced strongly by the Medical community. Dr. Babbitt died broken-hearted and broke, financially.

Five years prior to the publication of Babbitt, Dinshah was born in Bombay, India.

Dinshah was initiated into the Theosophy Society and availed himself of it's well stocked library. He found Babbitt's book there.

This launched him into the life of scientific researcher in the healing sciences.

Dinshah came to New York in 1896.

He corrected the imperfect geometry of Color in the Babbitt system.

He added Magenta, opposite Green, Turquoise opposite Scarlet, and Lemon opposite Purple. Thus giving a total of 12 healing colors instead of 7.

Such was the wonderful healing technique of Dinshah's Spectro-Chrome system, launched.

I could write one hundred more pages and the mathematical and intellectual reasons as to why Spectro-Chrom works. This is not necessary. Suffice it to say, BELIEVE IT, and TRY IT!

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wifr Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.
To see more of his writings visit his websites.
Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."
You can contact him at

Heal Yourself With Color Purple

Heal Yourself With
Color Purple

The color purple is a depressant. It is the combination of the colors yellow and violet. You can combine the Roscolene filter #832 and #866.

The Attributes of the Color Purple:
The color purple is a kidney and adrenal depressant.

The color Purple decreases sensitivity to pain. It induces relaxation and sleep. The color Purple, lowers the blood pressure by three effects: it dilates the blood vessels, it reduces the heart rate, and it decreases the activity of the kidneys and adrenals. The color purple cowers the body temperature. The color Purple controls fever and high blood pressure in malaria and recurrent fevers.

The color Purple is an emotional and Reproductive system depressant. The color Purple moderates blood pressure between the heart and lungs.

The Age of Aquarius is opening new healing methods to mankind. Man is energy and needs energy healing techniques. Color, sound, music, chiropractic, homeopathic, flower essence remedies, bio-chemic cell salts, etc. these are the healing methods for today.

But never let us forget, that the entrenched A.M.A. will fight to it's dying breath to stop and demonize the pioneers of the new healing techniques. For every page of information, such as this one, they will produce thousands of pages of "dis or mis" - information on the Net, TV and the Media.

It is up to each one of us to "Come ye out from amongst them!" And find our own healing techniques.

Let's take another look at the demonetization of the healing pioneers.

Osteopathy established by Dr. Andrew Taylor still, of Kirksville, Missouri, was demonized.

He was declared a lunatic and threatened with prison!

Dr. B.J. Palmer and his chiropractic system is still under fire in several states. But they are steadily gaining ground.

Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian Science was faced with enormous dogmatism when she in 1867, came forward with her theories of healing. The Christ heals within.

Dr. Albert Abrams, of San Francisco, California, founded the E.R.A, (Electronic Reactions of Abrams.) He was called a swindler and a crook by the A.M.A., but he was a pioneer in Radionics.

The Spetro-Chrome system went through it's demonetization period. It is still hard to believe by many that an electric bulb and 5 pieces of "Colored glass, or film" can be made to remove the dis-orders of human beings.

The proof is in the pudding. Become an open-minded truth-seeker and start your study of Dinshah's Spectro-Chrome system. The value of Spectro-Chrome will not be appreciated by those who do not bother to study it and use it's healing benefits.

Spectro-Chrome, is an original and radical system of super scientific healing which upsets all prior conceptions. It is a system of utmost Automatic Precision. It's roots are in Physics. It reaches into the highest realms of metaphysics, to the level of exact absolute mathematics.

Remember the idea that the Earth was round and not flat? Though true, this upset many prior conceptions.

The truth that the Earth revolves around the Sun is true, but many of it's pioneers were boiled in oil by the church.

Spectro-Chrome works and is here to stay.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.
To see more of his writings visit his websites.
Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."
You can contact him at

Friday, January 11, 2008

Pisces + Bio-chemical Ferrum Phosphate = Health

Astrology - Biochemistry
Pisces - Ferrum Phos

February 20 until March 21 is the time of Pisces.Pisces pertains physiologically to the feet. It is concerned with enemies, prisons, hospitals, limitations, the sea, water and all places of confinement.

Why places of confinement? The word March is from the Latin Margo, meaning boundary, confine, border, edge.

Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac and marks the boundary of the Zodiacal circle.

Ferrum Phosphate, the cell-salt for Pisces attracts Oxygen into the lungs. It starts life, the breathing process in children.

Pisces is the last sign, the foundation on which the entire body rests. With good feet you can go far. Metaphysically, Pisces relates to understanding. When you understand you can travel far mentally.

Pisces stands for the the end of things.Pisces is interpreted as confinement. It is the bottom.

Below this no one is able to go. It is time to begin work building a better vehicle. A new incarnation means the work must be taken where it was left off. Another school day has begun.

Pisces, then stands for the end of a cycle of spiritual existence beyond the veil, and the entrance of a Spirit into a new body.

Reincarnation will take place again and again until the task of perfecting the body is complete.

Man breathes, easily, freely, fully, unconsciously when there is no deficiency in iron (Ferrum Phosphate.)

Deficiency in Ferrum Phosphate causes a felling of oppression or Depression.

Neptune is the positive ruler of Pisces. Neptune is the highest and finest force in the Universe. It represents perfection and purity.

The negative interpretation of Pisces is deceit.

The symbol of Pisces is the fish and old and sacred symbol. Fishes are symbols of corpuscles, life-forces in the body. As the fluids in the body become depleted in iron, the corpuscles (fishes) slowly suffocate.

Ferrum Phosphate stops this suffocation and putrefaction. It carries oxygen, the breath of life to the blood.

Where strength and firmness are required, iron is used.

Pisces and Enemies.
The corpuscles or fish in the blood are either harmonious (health) or not. Diseased corpuscles in the blood stream constitute true enemies of the body. The more diseased corpuscles the more negative action of the brain. They become more distorted and chaotic. The need for prisons, hospitals and sanitariums.

With the right amount of iron in the blood, and in the cells of the brain, one is not upset by any thing. One lacking in strength, power, firmness and endurance is very deficient in iron.

Without a proper balance of iron in the blood, health cannot be sustained, and a lack of Ferrum Phosphate causes fevers.

A few symptoms due to the lack of Ferrum Phosphate are: rush of blood to the head, delirium, congestion of the brain, dizziness, emotional unbalance or insanity, headaches, all fevers, inflamed gums, very red tongue, incontinence of urine, sore pain over the kidney's, lumbago, sore ligaments, and palpitation of the heart.

The cell-salt Ferrum Phosphate is needed by Pisces. But it is also required by every one since iron allows the healing spirit to enter the blood.

To Love your enemies, may mean to understand the presence of enemy cells or corpuscles within our own selves. They must be found out and Astro-Biochemistry applied to heal them.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wifr Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.
To see more of his writings visit his websites.
Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."
You can contact him at

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Aquarius Plus Cell Salt Nat Mur = Health

Astrology and Biochemistry

Aquarius and Nat Mur

January 21 to February 21 is Aquarius. The word Aquarius is Latin for water. The meaning of Aquarius is Water-Bearer or Cup-Bearer. It's glyph is the ancient symbol of water.

The Greek myth that tells of the war between the Titans and the Children of Kronos (Saturn) is the war between the lower mind and the higher self. This is a gigantic problem in today's world.

No one can be reborn into a higher level of being until the material is furnished for the process bio-chemical cell salts. It is as much a physiological growth as a spiritual one.

In the human body, the bodily fluid containing all the chemical elements in solution is the blood serum.

Aquarius, physiologically relates tot the saline solution of the blood and the calves and ankles. Uranus and Saturn are co-rulers of the sign of Aquarius.

The blood serum is the saline (sea water) solution which vitalizes the blood corpuscles. Natrium Mur is the cell-salt allocated to Aquarians.

The circulation or distribution of water in the human organism is due to the chemical action of the molecules of Sodium Chloride (Nat Mur). It has the power to attract water.

When the cells in the brain are deficient in Nat Mur, reason itself dies.

The urn of Aquarius pours out the water of life.

Our Solar System has just entered the sign of Aquarius. There will be great and drastic changes. Beliefs and opinions that were held near and dear are going to wind up in the scrap heap.

A strong wish to know, brought about by the initial string of the inner man, will present the reasons for things to the consciousness of mankind.

The colon of the Aqueous Blue is assigned to Aquarius. The blood serum associated with the sign finds expression in the phrase, (Blue Blood), or "Royal Blood," Blue is the color of sedative quality.

The saline solution of the blood is the fire of life. Nat Mur is a vitalized cell salt. It increases vitality, and deficiency causes devitalization. Arising tired in the morning is because the blood corpuscles were not vitalized during sleep.

Nat Mur is by nature a catalyst. The Aqua Pura or purified and chemically perfect water of life is vitalizing.

The fluids of the body in the average person are poisoned with toxic products. Overeating and wrong diet can cause this. The brain cells become chemically disorganized and filled with toxic poisons, this brings on mental and nervousness and people become distraught.

The consciousness of man must expand. As Uranus literally shakes Heaven and Earth, so does it stir up the minds of men.

As Uranus means change, we need not fear that the world is to be destroyed, but it will change. Great changes are in store.

As the physical body in practically 97% water, a large quantity of Nat Mur is needed.

Deficiency in Nat Mur causes one to feel very weary and tired. This leads to irritability and no pep or vitality.

All symptoms caused by a lack of this salt are indicative of too little are too much water. Dry tongue and mouth, muttering and wandering, despondent moods, sun-stroke, heavy headaches, pain in ht eyes, dandruff, blisters on the body, hayfever and flu, sore throat, craving for salt, plus many other symptoms are all indications of a lack of Nat Mur.

We all need Nat Mur, but Aquarians need it three times a day.




Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wifr Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing. To see more of his writings visit his websites. and Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now." You can contact him at




Sunday, January 6, 2008

Heal Yourself With the Color Violet

Heal Yourself With Color

Dinshah's Spectro - Chrome therapy stresses the word tonation. A tonation means to shine a
Spectro-chrome color on your body on part of your body. One hour is the prescribed time. If you are to tonate front and back with a color, you can do it one at a time or use two light projectors.

If the treatments calls for two colors, tonate with one color for an hour, wait a little. And then do the other color.

Attributes of the color Violet:

The color purple filter is composed of three Roscelene filters. #'s 832, 859, and 866.

The color Violet is a spleen builder and stimulant. The color Violet decreases muscular activity, including the heart muscles. The color Violet is a lymphatic gland depressant, systemic front. The color Violet is a pancreas depressant.

The color Violet decreases the Activity of the Nervous System (tranquilizer) The color Violet promotes production of Leucoytes, white (Violet) blood cells.

How to Take a Tonation:
When possible tonate infra-Green colors, (Red, Orange, Yellow and Lemon) during day light. Tonate ultra-Green colors (Turquoise, Blue, Indigo and Violet) in the evening, while you are relaxing.

The room should be warm to prevent chilling. Portable heaters help.

When sitting try to face south. When lying down try to have the top of the head facing north. When tonating front lie on back or side. Tonating your back, lie on your side. Do not lay on your abdomen. It reverses the body's electrical polarity in reaction to the Earth.

A darkened room works well. Remove the clothing necessary to expose the areas to be tonated. Tonations need to be done on the bare skin.

One tonation in the day and one in the night are sufficient. Nature can be helped, but not rushed.

In some severe, acute conditions, (burns, poison ivy, headache, sprains, etc.) a continuous tonation may be employed.

Do not be concerned if the darker colors cannot be seen. Their effect on the invisible Aura is what is important. Spectro-Chrome works on the Aura while awake or asleep. Your mental state helps. Try not to read, watch TV or listen to the radio while tonating. Listening to a CD with relaxing music is good.

Allow at least an hour between eating and tonating, except in digestive problems.

Color Charged Water:
You can augment your tonation with color charged water. Place a glass of water on a chair during tonation, sot the color shines on the water glass. Drink the water at the end of tonation. Since we are colloidal beings, mostly made up of water, the water will imbue your entire body with this color.

The effects of the color - charged water are different from a tonation. But you can use the color-charged water as a substitute.

Remove the top from a cardboard box and put a bottle (colorless) of water in the box. Cover the box opening with a color filter. Place near a light source or sunny window, for at least an hour. Drink the water no later than one hour after tonating it.

Now that we have started our 2000 year trip into the Age of Aquarius, we need new healing methods. With no more scalpel, drugs and Frankenstein machines like MRI's, etc.

We are vibrational energy beings. We need vibrational energy healing techniques. Color Therapy is one of the best and easiest to apply.
Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Capricorn + Bio-chemical Cell Salt Cal Phos = Health

Astrology and Bio-Chemistry
Capricorn - Calcium Phosphate

Capricorn the southern "Gate to Heaven",is born December 21 to January 21. January comes from the word Janus, God of all beginnings. This is the ancient of days. Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn.

At one time food was meant to be the healer of all diseases, because it contained all the cell salts. This is not true any more. People live to eat, instead of eating to live, and the Soul of the world is depleted.

Calcium Phosphate is Saturn's own particular material. It forms bones which constitutes the human frame. This is the body's foundation. Capricorn is the master mason. The true interaction of Freemasonry, is a physico-chemical process.

One born with the Sun in Capricorn, may therefore be an initiate.

Saturn stands for truth, stability, honest values, honor and integrity.

The back bone is not only the support of the body and it's strength, it is also a barometer or gauge by which the mental and moral stars may be judged.

Capricorn is symbolically the Goat or Unicorn. The best wool is obtained from castrated Angora goats, because the life force is never wasted. It recreates the body. This is a function of Capricorn. To preserve the life force and recreate the body.

Capricorn is the House of Spiritual Conception. To "Ride the Goat" literally means to learn to control your passions.

The glyph of Capricorn is patterned after the sacral bone.

The body requires more Calcium Phosphate than any other mineral, for this reason, that a very great quantity is required for the bones alone. Saturn rules the bones.

They are the oldest parts of the body. Calcium Phosphate forms the skeletal part of every cell.

Any deficiency of Calcium Phosphate results in excess mucus or albumin. This is the basic cause of colds. It is the "cold germ" science is looking for.

A cold is Nature's method of housecleaning - She eradicates the mucus.

Those who over-eat and who consume large quantities of mucus-making foods, frequently have head colds.

Lack of this salt causes mucus to collect in the tonsils, causing them to enlarge. The tonsils should never be removed. The free use of Calcium Phosphate + Silicea will bring about a normal condition.

Albumin or mucus may collect in the thyroid gland. This is the cause of goiter. A lack of iodine is not the cause of goiter, but Calcium Phosphate deficiency. Iodine is an irritant and the Great Chemist and Architect, and never uses irritants in the construction of the human body.

All the twelve Chemical elements of the blood are alkaline. Natrium Phosphate is the the particular cell salt to take to counteract acidity in the body.

Calcium Phosphate is needed by the digestive system and to assimilate organs. When it becomes deficient, digestion becomes difficult.

Cell starvation and anemia of the blood results.

Cell salts are free salts and once taken into the body, they instantly go about their work. They are at once utilized by the blood.

Only through the means of Astrology can we understand the relationship between the body of the Universe and the body of man.

A few of the many symptoms caused by a deficiency of Calcium Phosphate are: poor memory, fear, panic, desire for solitude, loss of hair, swelling of the glands, head cold, bad taste in the mouth, decay of teeth, goiter, constant hoarseness, abnormal appetite, palpitation of the heart, pain in the bones, and restless sleep.

Being overly sexual throws this valuable salt out of the body. Each human bears within themselves the seed of regeneration, stop wasting it!

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.